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The 3 steps are Choose table, Choose variable and Show result. You are currently at Choose variable

122z -- Ylikoulutusaste (Kys), 2018

Choose variables

95 % luottamusvälin alaraja, %:
95 % luottamusvälin yläraja, %:
Survey on well-being among foreign born population (FinMONIK) 2019, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL)
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Select the data you want from the selection boxes. In the end, press the “Show table” button. User instructions.

Selected 1 of total 3

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Whole country , MK01 Uusimaa , MK02 Southwest Finland ,

Selected 0 of total 19

Optional variable

Selected 0 of total 1

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Background country, total , Entinen Neuvostoliitto ja Venäjä , Viro ,

Selected 0 of total 8

Optional variable

Selected 0 of total 3

Optional variable

Selected 0 of total 3

Optional variable

Selected 1 of total 1

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 100,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 2,000 rows and 300 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 100,000
... confidential The data are protected if the cell size is under five or the group size is under 50.


A person's place of residence on the last day of the year. For register indicators, the regional division is regions, regional capitals and Espoo and Vantaa, for survey indicators, regions. The time series uses the latest regional division available.


The origin and background country are determined based on the country of birth data of the person's parents.
Persons whose both parents or the only known parent have been born abroad are considered to be persons with foreign background. Persons who have been born abroad and whose parents' data are not included in the Population Information System are also considered to be persons with foreign background. Persons born in Finland before 1970, whose native language is a foreign language have been considered to be persons with foreign background, as have persons born in Finland in 1970 or after this, whose parents' data are not included in the Population Information System.
All such persons who have at least one parent who was born in Finland are considered to be persons with Finnish background. Data on persons that died before 1964 have not been entered into the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. There are nearly 900,000 persons among the Finnish population who have been born in Finland and both parent's country of birth is unknown because the parents of these persons have died before the Population Information System was established. People born in Finland before 1970, whose parents' background is not known, have been concluded to be persons with Finnish background if their native language is a national language (Finnish, Swedish, Sami).

Background country (only persons of foreign origin, born abroad)

Data on background country only for persons with foreign background born abroad on the regional level 'whole country'.
The background country for all persons with Finnish background is Finland. If both parents of a person have been born abroad, the background country is primarily the country of birth of the biological mother. If a person only has knowledge of a father that was born abroad, the background country is the country of birth of the father. If either parent's country of birth is unknown, the background country for persons born abroad is their own country of birth. For persons born in Finland, whose parents' data are unknown and who have been deducted to be with foreign background, the background country is unknown.


Person's gender on the last day of the year (register indicators) or at the time of drawing of the sample on 5 March 2018 (survey indicators). The information about sex has been obtained from the Population Information System.


Age refers to the age of the person in full years on the last day of the year (register indicators) or at the time of drawing of the sample on 5 March 2018 (survey indicators). The information has been obtained from the Population Information System.



Suomessa asuvien 18-64-vuotiaiden ulkomailla syntyneiden ulkomaalaistaustaisten ylikoulutettujen henkilöiden osuus kaikista työssäkäyvistä. Vastaavaa tietoa ei ole saatavissa koko väetön osalta. Perustuu kysymykseen: 'Ylikoulutetulla tarkoitetaan, että henkilön koulutuksella ja taidolla voisi työskennellä myös vaativammissa työtehtävissä. Ottaen huomioon oman koulutustasosi, työkokemuksesi ja taitosi, oletko mielestäsi ylikoulutettu nykyiseen työhösi?'. Kyseessä on niiden vastaajien osuus työssäkäyvistä henkilöistä, jotka ovat vastanneet olevansa ylikoulutettuja nykyiseen työhönsä. Luvut ovat ikä- ja sukupuolivakioituja.

95 % luottamusvälin alaraja, %

Luottamusvälit ilmaisevat satunnaisotoksesta laskettuihin lukuihin sisältyvän virhemarginaalin. Otoksesta arvioidun tunnusluvun, esim. keskiarvo tai prosenttiluku, molemmille puolille voidaan laskea esim. 95 %:n virhemarginaalit. Asian voi ilmaista siten, että 'olemme 95 %:sti varmoja, että oikea tulos on näiden rajojen välissä'.

95 % luottamusvälin yläraja, %

Luottamusvälit ilmaisevat satunnaisotoksesta laskettuihin lukuihin sisältyvän virhemarginaalin. Otoksesta arvioidun tunnusluvun, esim. keskiarvo tai prosenttiluku, molemmille puolille voidaan laskea esim. 95 %:n virhemarginaalit. Asian voi ilmaista siten, että 'olemme 95 %:sti varmoja, että oikea tulos on näiden rajojen välissä'.